Burger with a pocket

Pairs well with:


Bright and full-bodied, this Zinfandel wine is a curious contradiction in tastes.


1/2 pound 98% fat free ground beef per person.
1 egg for each
1/2 pound Lemon
pepper, salt, pepper,& celery salt
Shreded sharp cheddar cheese
Red,green and yellow peppers cut very fine.
Onion chopped very fine.
Each person can select the items they want on their burger. When ready to serve top with lettuce and tomato, ketchup or mustard.



Mix each pound of ground beef with 2 beaten eggs and the seasonings desired. Make a large patty thick enough to make an indentation in to select the ingredients, such as cheese, peppers & onions. Place another patty on top and seal around the edges. Cook on a grill, grill in the oven, or in an electric fry pan until done to the persons desire. Each person can select a colored toothpick to stick in theirs. (Of course they must remember their color – or write it down on a tally sheet). Place on a bun and top with lettuce, tomato, ketchup, or mustard. If people want a small patty just make it smaller, but one can not put as much in the center.