Star Spangled Banner Cheese Burger
- This recipe is for 1 – 1/4 lb. burger so you have to times it by 6 for 6 burgers
- 1/4 lb. 90% fat free ground beef
- minced onions (amount to your liking)
- Splash of Sutter Home Cabernet Sauvignon
- Diced jalapenos (amount to your hotness flavor liking)
- 1/4 Teaspoon. Worcestershire sauce.
- Slice of fresh provolone cheese
- Tiny bit of minced garlic
- Choose favorite hamburger roll and butter then toast/grill butter side down.
- Mix together, form patties, grill to your likeness while toasting buns.
- Serve with baked beans and coleslaw or French fries.
- Yummy.